Monday, December 15, 2008

Minutes Newbury Energy Committee, December 9, 2008

The Newbury Energy Committee met on Tuesday, December 9, 2008 at the Tenney Memorial Library.  Attending were:  Linda Ide (Chair), Royce Thompson, Garnett Hebb, and Peggy Hewes.


The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm, and the agenda was reviewed and approved.


As moved by G. Hebb and seconded by R. Thompson, the minutes of the meeting on November 11, 2008 were approved.


Old Business & Reports


Garnett and Peggy are continuing to obtain information on street lamps.


Linda obtained an agreement from Bob Walker of SERG to provide training on basic home assessments.  The committee agreed that he should be invited to attend the January 13 meeting if possible.


Peggy reported that the committee has liability coverage under the Town's policy as long as committee activities have been approved by the Selectboard.


An e-mail from Liane Allen confirmed that reimbursement for low-E light bulbs (for distribution at Town Meeting) is available from Sierra Club.  Peggy will make a formal request to the Selectboard for initial purchase of the bulbs.


Peggy reported that an inquiry has been made re: toilet repair at the Town Garage for water conservation.


Linda has placed a call to John Renfrew re: possible participation on the committee and is waiting for a response.


Royce gave a summary of the function of the power cost monitor which he obtained through cost-sharing from Green Mtn. Power.  The sensor shows electricity consumption levels down to 5 cents per hour, but not lower.


Linda still intends to obtain a copy of the Bradford Town Plan to compare energy language with Newbury's plan.


Royce reported on the energy conservation workshop he attended in St. Johnsbury, noting that it included fairly technical information for builders, including the concept of zero energy depletion (ZED).


Linda reported on her attendance at the VT Energy & Climate Action Network workshop at VTC, noting that a groundswell of local energy committees is occurring nation-wide.  Educational activities are a big part of these committees' agendas, and Linda suggested that the Newbury committee consider offering a film and discussion series.


New Business


Garnett suggested, and the committee agreed, that a list of simple energy-saving tips be compiled for public distribution.  Linda will ask Bob Walker to bring such materials used by SERG when he comes to Newbury.


Linda suggested that the committee consider surveying the Town's public buildings and will bring information on this to the next meeting.


Garnett expressed an interest in learning the history of the wood chip heating system at Blue Mountain School.  Linda will research this.


Linda noted that Plainfield, VT recently received a $250,000 grant to renovate a small dam to provide electricity for the town and that lobbying efforts will be underway to reduce State restrictions on small hydro facilities.


Possible opportunities for cooperation with the Conservation Commission were discussed, including a joint meeting in the near future.  Linda will contact Mike Thomas about this.


The next meeting will be Tuesday, January 13 at 6:00 pm.  Peggy will determine if the Tenney Library is available.  The agenda will include planning for Town Meeting, work on the list of energy-saving tips, and (if available) a presentation by Bob Walker.


The meeting adjourned at 7:50 pm.


Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Hewes

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